Professional erotica author and editor Rachel Kramer Bussel will take you through the ins and outs of modern erotic writing, from getting started, finding your voice, writing against type, erotic love and lust letters, to submitting your work keeping up with the thriving erotica market. You'll learn how to incorporate everyday scenarios as well as outlandish fantasies into your writing, and make them fit for particular magazines and anthologies. Whether you're writing to that special someone, penning longtime fantasies, or want to earn cash for your dirty words, this workshop, taught by the editor of over a dozen erotic anthologies, is for you. Paper and writing implements will be provided. $15. Pre-registration required.
Smitten Kitten, 3010 Lyndale Avenue South, Minneapolis, MN.
Register in store or by calling 612-721-6088.
Official Website:
Added by rachelkramerbussel on July 28, 2009