North of W'burg Bridge-to- South of McCarren Park
Brooklyn, New York 11211

$3 at the door while the bands are playing
/ $1 donation suggested afterwards to pay for the PA

I Farm (not confirmed) - Mathy, post-punk goodness.
Pile of Face - Mathy, jazzy, noisy goodness.
Palomar - Classy, indie-pop goodness.
The Forms - Rocking, indie-rock goodness.

rock djs inside between and after the bands
electronica djs on the roof the whole damn time
ERMP fundraiser bar with $2 beers (of goodness)

@ 805 driggs bet. s4th and s5th, NE corner, 3rd floor
L to bedford / JMZ to marcy

Added by a3ulafia on August 23, 2005

Interested 1