For the first time Erie's nonprofits, elected officials, area foundations and budget experts will have the opportunity to spend the day together. The purpose is to: draw attention to the essential role the nonprofit sector plays in providing cost-efficient and effective programs on behalf of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; better understand how the state budget process actually works; and improve the interplay between government, philanthropy and nonprofit organizations. The primary goal is to encourage a culture of cross-sector interplay that heightens the overall effectiveness of Erie County's public/civic sector. Morning Keynote is Congresswoman Kathy Dahlkemper. Lunch Keynote speaker is Steve Gunderson, president of the Council on Foundations, Washington, D.C., an 18 veteran of the US House and an expert in health care and workforce development. Other speakers will be Barry Grossman, Joe Sinnott, Jane Earll, Mary Jo White, Flo Fabrizio, Pat Harkins, John Evans, Curtis Sonney, John Hornaman, Sharon Ward (PA Budget & Policy Center, Harrisburg), Michael Batchelor (Erie Community Foundation), Tony Ross (United Way of PA, Harrisburg), and more. FREE. Lunch Included. Space Very Limited. Reservations Required by calling The Nonprofit Partnership 814-454-8800 ext. 1. Once room is filled no more reservations will be accepted.
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Added by EriePAGuy on March 8, 2010