200 W Eleventh Street
Erie, Pennsylvania

Erie, Pennsylvania - On Friday, August 8, 2008 at High Noon, members of the Erie Peace Initiative (EPI) will assemble at Pennsylvania State Senator Jane Earlls Erie office and announce a Peoples Resolution campaign:

Be it resolved, the citizens of Pennsylvania demand:

  1. That our Governor pursue and exhaust every avenue in his power to stop further deployment of Pennsylvania National Guard troops to Iraq.
    That our Governor pursue and exhaust every avenue in his power to bring the Pennsylvania National Guard troops currently deployed in Iraq home without delay.

  2. The local campaign is part of a coordinated state-wide grassroots effort to keep our National Guard home. In October 2002, Congress authorized President Bush to federalize state Guard and send them to Iraq. The stipulated purpose was to defend U.S. national security against the threat posed by Iraq. In 2008, Iraq poses no threat to the United States; the authorization has expired; control over Pennsylvania National Guard now reverts to our governor.

Who: Erie Peace Initiative

What: Erie Peace Initiative Announces Peoples Resolution to keep the Pennsylvania National Guard home, and to bring home the Pennsylvania National Guard currently stationed in Iraq.

When: Friday, August 8, 2008 at High Noon!

Where: Pennsylvania State Senator Jane Earlls office - 200 West 11 Street Erie, Pa

Signed copies of the Peoples Resolution will be delivered to our state legislators to urge them to pass the bills that will bring our Guard home from Iraq and keep them here.

For more info, check http://www.eriepeaceinitiative.org or email eriepeaceinitiative@yahoo.com

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of EriePAGuy.

Official Website: http://www.eriepeaceinitiative.org

Added by EriePAGuy on August 5, 2008

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