Apr 17 (Sat) Erie Area Tarot Society (EATS) meets (Erie Book Store, 153 E 13th St, Erie PA 16503) Our next meeting is Saturday 4/17/10 from 1pm to 3pm at The Erie Bookstore. We'll keep going with Mary K. Greers book, plus our usual card draw and compare etc.
Please note! You do not need to own or have read Mary K. Greers 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card in order to join us and fully participate so don't let that stop you! All you need is your favorite deck, yourself and a notebook for taking notes, if you want.
Please try and join us, and feel free to suggest any other books, events, ideas that you think would be fun!
For more info, email ErieAreaTarotSociety-Owner@yahoogroups.com or browse to http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ErieAreaTarotSociety/
Added by EriePAGuy on April 13, 2010