Our third music video will be showing at Enzian's filmslam THIS SUNDAY, July 8th, 2007 at 1:00pm. Kalua Colada is #1 to show in this program so please show up early to make sure you see it. There's strength in numbers, so the more people who show, the more votes we get and the better chance we have at winning, so please invite anyone and everyone!
FilmSlam costs $5 per person. Upon entering, you will receive a voting ballot. The voting runs on a 1-5 scale, 1 being the lowest, 5 being the highest. The more votes we get, the better our chances in winning the FilmSlam again (we won for our last music video, "It's A Party" in February")!
Official Website: http://www.enzian.org/films/filmslam.html
Added by jenvargas on July 4, 2007