This is an event that engages SF residents in conversation and visioning process to form a resilience plan for San Francisco in the face of climate change and peak oil.
We'll continue our discussions from last month on:
ᅠFOOD - local food production, food security, CSA's, Permaculture, organic, & biodynamic growing, building healthy soils, food preservation & storage, community kitchens, buying in bulk
ᅠRESKILLING - developing local products & materials, learning from elders & history, reuse, repairing, repurposing, reducing, recycling, cooking with fresh produce, cheese-making, soaps, plant-based textiles, baking, carpentry, blacksmithing, animal husbandry, bike repair
ᅠPSYCHOLOGY OF CHANGE - focusing on how we as individuals and a community can support one another in the process of change
ᅠENVISIONING A LOCAL FUTURE - Creating a vision and communicating through videos, blogs, and other media
We'll use open technologies format for the meeting to form new groups around the following topics
ᅠENERGY - use reduction, local renewable energy sources, distributed/decentralized energy grid, biogas conversions, solar, wind, micro-hydro, biofuels, zero carbon
ᅠTRANSPORTATION - pedestrian-friendly, bicycles, mass transit and long distance rail, reclaiming roads for other uses
ᅠECONOMY - local currencies, barter, childcare cooperatives, cottage industries, jobs & right livelihood, green business & local entrepreneurship, local business
New participants will have an opportunity to hear the TransitionSF speakers, engage in closer conversation, and have opportunity to participate in our breakout groups on variety of resiliency topics. Please join us.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on March 12, 2010