One Washington Square
San Jose, California 95192

The 21st Century will be in the hands of those who can take their ideas and make them transpire. While the United States currently holds the edge as an entrepreneurial society and is active in the global economy, the future shows clear signs of tremendous economic competition from abroad. It is apparent that in the future Americans will need to generate more ideas and better innovations if the United States is to stay ahead of the growing global economies.

In June of 2006, the U S House of Representatives passed a Resolution focus centered on furthering the creative efforts of entrepreneurs and small businesses as the leading generator of new jobs in the last ten years. Congress recognizes the significance of Entrepreneurship Week to showcase the contributions of entrepreneurs and encourages the development of the entrepreneurs of the future. They recognized that "the entrepreneurs of tomorrow are in our schools today."

SDForum, the Centre for Entrepreneurship at San Jose State University, and the City of San Jose have partnered to create one of the only events in the Bay Area participating in National Entrepreneurship Week, celebrating entrepreneurship and recognizing the city of San Jose as one of the major centers for innovation and entrepreneurship in the U.S.A. Come hear the newly elected Mayor of San Jose, Chuck Reed, Gina Poole, Vice President of Innovation and University Relations at IBM, and Bobby Srinivasan, Founder-CEO of Roamware speak in the MLK Library on February 28th starting at 5:30 pm. Then join us for "MashUps for StartUps" on March 2nd starting at 10:00 am. where it will be time to network and talk with the experts as well as representatives from major Silicon Valley organizations on every aspect of entrepreneurship. We hope to see you there to partake in the first of many more entrepreneur celebrations to come! Contact for more information or check out the website.


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Added by FullCalendar on February 10, 2007