Whether your telecom startup has a booth at one of the largest tradeshows, has a speaking slot, or whether you simply have a few people walking the tradeshow floor, there are things you and your company can do to maximize the return on your investment in tradeshow marketing. We will bring in a few experts who know the different parts of marketing to give you a refresher course on guerrilla marketing tactics that may fit your product and your budget.
*Do you really need a booth?
*How much PR is enough PR?
*How do I get leads to visit my booth / cocktail / hotel suite?
*Should I reuse my MWC marketing at CTIA?
*What kinds of advertising are effective for venture funded startups?
*How do I get connected to the social networking scene at MWC in Barcelona?
Join the entrepreneurs from the Telecom Council's Entrepreneur Forum to discuss the needs, technologies, trends, and policies that are affecting their businesses. Our Entrepreneur Forum meetings gather 25-45 entrepreneurs over lunch to network, discuss, and learn about issues affecting them and their businesses.
Official Website: http://telecomcouncil.cvent.com/event/EF_TradeshowMarketing
Added by FullCalendar on January 2, 2010