7187 Grand River,
Brighton, Michigan 48116

We are putting together a fantastic line-up for our Entrepreneur Day full of workshops, networking, refreshments, and connection events to celebrate being an entrepreneur!
Attendees can take advantage of workshops throughout the day, collaboration discussions, guest speakers, and an evening networking mixer to mix and mingle with other area businesses and entrepreneurs!
Cost to attend: $8 with advance ticket purchase, $20 at the door.
Cost to display: Exhibitor space is available to showcase your products and services to area entrepreneurs. Prices will be:2x2 display tables $50 6'tables $100
Event sponsorships are available for organizations wanting to increase their exposure with banners, email advertising, and overall event presence. Contact Sandy @ InSights Group, smaki@insights-group.com

Organized by InSights Group

Ticket Info:  
  • General Admission, $8.00
  • 2x2 Display Table, $50.00
  • 6' Display Table, $100.00
  • Event Sponsorship, Free

Official Website: http://entrepreneur2009-upcoming.eventbrite.com

Added by eventbrite-events on March 18, 2009

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