BSMS Teaching Building, University of Sussex
Brighton, England BN1 9PX

Sean Phelan, the founder of the world renowned Multimap
( be coming to do a talk and offer advice on the ups and downs of running his multi million pound business. The event will be the usual format of keynote presentation, but we will also be celebrating the successes of some of our own Sussex students in a short awards ceremony, plus hearing directly about their ventures from the students themselves in some short presentations.

Local family firms Harveys Beer and Forfars Bakeries are keen supporters of the event, and will be providing great refreshments for the informal networking after the presentations.

The programme for May 10th is:

5.30pm Arrival & Registration

5.45pm Welcome & Introduction

6.00pm Keynote: Sean Phelan,
including Q & A

7.00pm Presentations from student / graduate entrepreneurs
followed by Q & A panel

7.30pm Awards ceremony

7.45pm Fruit beer, summer strawberries & networking

8.30pm Close

Please email to register. The event is open to all Sussex alumni, students and staff as well as a limited number of local business people.

Official Website:

Added by madmotive on April 23, 2007