Enterprise Collateral Management Conference 2013 is your link to over 200 influential industry contacts. The event will bring together senior professionals from treasury along with front, middle and back office to achieve an enterprise wide approach to collateral to fund business and balance sheet. Enterprise Collateral will be your opportunity to find innovative collateral solutions in a period of scarce liquidity and of increasingcollateralization of business.
Patrick Pearson, Head of Financial Markets Infrastructure, Internal Market & services DG, European Commission, Brussels
Stephen Bland, Director, Investment Banks and Overseas Banks Division, FSA, UK
Tom Springbett, Manager, OTC Derivatives and Post Trade Policy, FSA, UK
Paul Bodart, Board Member T2S Project, European Central Bank, Germany
The event will provide you with a platform to network and…
•Ask the regulators directly how Dodd Frank, EMIR, Basel III, Solvency II, UCITS IV regulations will require you to adapt your collateral and liquidity processes across treasury, front, middle and back office
•Collaborate with your peers to fund competing interests and optimise collateral in an environment of scarce liquidity and enable you to ensure effective
•Benchmark your collateral and liquidity practices with your competitors to confidently respond to regulatory demands
•Quiz market leading solution providers on how they can help you save time and costs on implementing an enterprise wide view of your collateral and collateral transformation
For more information please:
Visit: www.enterprise-collateral.com
Call: + 44 (0) 20 7368 9465
Email: collateral@wbr.co.uk
Added by Wbrfreelancer Wbrfreelancer 4449 on March 7, 2013