Recognising that there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to this emerging field, the 2009 European Enterprise Architecture Conference will provide a broad, practical perspective on EA, and typically attracts a wide range of speakers and delegates from around the world. In 2009 delegates will be able to:
Choose from 7 pre-conference seminars and 4 conference tracks.
Explore what it takes to be a responsive business with agile processes, systems and technologies
Evaluate what works best in different business environments, and what doesn’t, through practical case studies and examples from Global 2000 companies and major public services
Gain renewed inspiration and fresh insights into the latest EA thinking and innovations.
Share ideas and experiences through networking with others in similar situations
Quotes from past delegates include:
Perfect event if one wants to feel the pulse of EA. Excellent learning and networking forum.
Amitabh Apte, Enterprise Architecture Group, SITA
Would highly recommend it to others.
Kouros Roshanzamir, Technical Architect, Freshfields
My first time attending an EA conference, and will be coming back. This conference has helped me understand the whole Enterprise Architecture from a business prospect.
Raj Kumar, Demand Analysis, GlaxoSmithKline
Good opportunity to ‘benchmark’ others experience with ours. Well organised, aligned with today’s and tomorrow’s issues.
Gert Eijkelboom, De Nederlandsche Bank
Official Website:
Added by shanemcglynn on January 6, 2009