Ensemble 303, a new experimental music assemblage, performs a concert of new and classic works of experimental music at the new experimental arts performance space, the wulf.. Featuring performances of La Monte Young’s “Composition 1960 #7” and James Tenney’s “In a large, open space,” Casey Anderson’s “fades/cross-fades II” from the collection “exchange symmetry as cultural model for these our withering years,” and the premiere of John P. Hastings’ “Sonic Spiral.” Michael Pisaro, Ulrich Krieger, John Hastings, and Casey Anderson perform with an assortment of CalArts’ finest performers for an afternoon matinee of music that is at as delicate as it is epic, relaxed as it is energetic, and holy in the way that only slowly evolving music can be. Scones will be served.
Official Website: http://thewulf.org/
Added by caseythomasanderson on November 22, 2008