1845 Fairmount St
Wichita, Kansas 67260

This workshop will assist you in improving your customer relations skills while reducing consumer complaints.

- What Are Quality Service and Customer Relations?

- Where customers fit into the quality improvement process
- The two needs every customer has
- How to Identify and Satisfy Internal Customers

- Internal customer defined
- Application exercise: Identifying your internal customers

- The Components of Quality Service: How Your Customers and Internal Clients Perceive You
- Reliability
- Responsiveness
- Security
- Competence
- Access
- Tangibility
- Understanding
- Patience
- Courtesy
- Creditability
- Communication

- Rating Your Area's Quality Service: An Application Exercise

- How Leaders Influence Positive Customer Relations and Quality Service: Five Specific Behaviors

- Integrating Quality Service into Your Quality Improvement Process

- The Eight Step Method in Preventing and Reducing Customer Conflict

- Practical Exercise on Complaint Handling

Official Website: http://cmd.wichita.edu

Added by Center for Management Developmen on November 20, 2008