Due to space limitation this event is full. We are currently working to expand the room capacity so that we can have more people attend.
If you are interested in attending please email us so that we can add you to the waiting list. Once seats become available you will receive a personal email. To be added to the waiting list please emailMichelle Foley, Outreach Coordinator, at
michelle.foley@umb.edu. Please note that registration is required. If you have any additional questions please call 617.287. 5793. For more information on the Institute's work please visit www.gaston.umb.edu
English Learners in Boston's Public Schools: Enrollement and Educational Outcomes in the Aftermath of Policy Change
A Public Symposium
Presented by:The Mauricio Gastn Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy, University of Massachusetts Boston
In collaboration with the:
Center for Collaborative Education
DATE: Wednesday, April 8th, 2009
TIME: 8:30-2:30pm
LOCATION: John Joseph Moakley U.S Courthouse (1 Courthouse Way, Boston, MA)
PROGRAM AGENDA (as of 2/20/2009)
8:30: Breakfast and Registration
9:00: Welcoming Remarks (Maria Idali Torres, The Mauricio Gastn Institute)
9:15: Presentation of Research and Panel Moderator: Hubie Jones, Social Entrepreneur in Residence, City Year Inc.
Rosann Tung, Ph.D: Principal Investigator, Center for Collaborative
Miren Uriarte, Ph.D: Senior Research Associate and Principal Investigator, The Mauricio Gastn Institute
Maria Brisk: Professor, Chairperson, Lynch School of Education, Boston College
Mitchell Chester: Commissioner, Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Carol Johnson: Superintendent, Boston Public Schools
Sonia Nieto, Professor Emerita, School of Education, University of Massachusetts Amherst
11:30:Audience Questions
12:30:Lunch Break
1:15:Break Out Sessions and Closing
A. English Language Learners and the Drop Out Rate
B.Working with Families of English Learners during a climate of Policy
C.Enrollment and Academic Outcomes of Native Speakers of Cape
Verdean Creole, Chinese Dialects, Haitian Creole, Spanish, and
REGISTRATION: Thisevent is free and open to the public. Due to limited space, registration is required. For questions regarding the registration process or more information, please call the Mauricio Gastn Institute, 617.287.5793 or email
PARKING AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATIONOn-Street and Garage Parking are available. The Courthouse is also T accessible. For more information on the T routes please visit www.mbta.com/rider_tools/trip_planner/
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Due to federal regulations concerning the use of federal court house buildings, attendants are required to bring a picture ID and security guidelines require that all electronic equipment (including cell phones) be checked in at the entrance.
Organized by The Mauricio Gastn InstituteThe Mauricio Gastn Institute for Latino Community Development and Public Policy was established in 1989 at the University of Massachusetts Boston by the Massachusetts State Legislature at the behest of Latino community leaders and scholars in response to a need for improved understanding of the Latino experience in the Commonwealth.The mission of the Institute is to inform policy makers about issues vital to the states growing Latino community and to provide this community with the information and analysis necessary for effective participation in public policy development. For more information about the Insttiute please visit www.gaston.umb.edu
Ticket Info: ELLSymposium4.08.09, Free
Official Website: http://ellsymposium-upcoming.eventbrite.com