Silicon Valley Microfinance Network (SVMN) hosts a special event: "Engaging the Private Sector in Microfinance" -- A book signing & talk by Elisabeth Rhyne, author of "Microfinance for Bankers and Investors/ Understanding the Opportunities & Challenges of the Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid."
Over the last 6 years, the microfinance sector has grown at an average rate of 30%, not only encouraging social justice advocates, but attracting business-minded investors. Rhyne's recently published book uses successful case studies about innovative financial products, delivery to remote villages & urban slums, and technological innovations that reduce costs and provide new means of payment & remittance to populations previously tied to a cash economy. Citibank, Visa, and Sequoia Capital have already taken the plunge into investing in microfinance. Rhyne will discuss the opportunity for interested investors.
As Managing Director of the Center for Financial Inclusion at ACCION International, Rhyne brings together leaders in financial services to address challenges facing the microfinance industry today. She previously served as ACCION's senior vice president, leading the organization's initial entry into Africa & India. Rhyne also directed ACCION's research efforts to develop new financial products.
Prior to her tenure at ACCION, Rhyne was director of the Office of Microenterprise Development at the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) from 1994 to 1998, where she developed and led USAID's Microenterprise Initiative. Rhyne's experience also includes 8 years living in Kenya and Mozambique, where she consulted on microfinance policy and operations for governments, international organizations, and microfinance institutions.
Rhyne has published numerous articles and 5 books on microfinance.
She holds a master's and Ph.D. in public policy from Harvard University and earned a bachelor's degree in history and humanities from Stanford University.
$20.99, 10.99 for students, $30.00 at the door.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on September 12, 2009