25-30 June 2009
Engaging in Narrative Conversations:
Refreshing the Spirit of Our Work at La Villa Rinascimento in Lucca, Italy! Peggy Sax, Ph.D. (Vermont, USA) & Gaye Stockell, M.A. (Sydney, Australia)
With delight, Peggy and Gaye offer this 5-day replenishing seminar on narrative practice at the historic Villa Rinascimento in Lucca, nestled in the Tuscan countryside.We know no better way to understand concepts than applying them to our own lives and work. We will directly experience the narrative practices we are studying: separating problems from the person and placing them in context, mapping and expressing personal values and commitments, asking questions that generate experiences of self knowledge and understanding, experiencing the poetics of our words, and serving as witnesses to each others stories.Come join an enlivening international group of practitioners therapists, counselors, social workers, physicians and nurses to engage in narrative conversations that refresh the spirit of our work, while savoring the panoramic views, charming Italian culture, and special Tuscan countryside tranquility.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Peggy Sax, PhD is in independent practice in Middlebury, Vermont, USA, as a licensed psychologist, consultant, workshop presenter and instructor. She has apprenticed herself to narrative therapy since the early 1990s. An enthusiastic teacher, Peggy feels privileged for opportunities to share powerful stories of learnings from over 30 years of work with families and their children, teens, adults, couples, communities and students of all ages. She is the author of Re-authoring Teaching: Creating a Collaboratory.Gaye Stockell, MA started her career as a psychologist working in community psychiatry in Sydney, Australia. Whilst there she was introduced to the work of Michael White and David Epston. They had most recently published Narrative Means to Therapeutic Ends (1990) and Gaye, along with Marilyn O'Neill started to explore Narrative ideas and put the ideas into practice. Currently working in independent practice, Gaye has continued that exploration within many contexts and with lots of people. She is very appreciative of the impact that Narrative Therapy has had on both her professional and personal life.20 continuing education credits will be available for a wide variety of healthcare professionals. Click here for more information.Workshop Schedule: Thursday 25 June: 7pm Welcome ReceptionFriday 26 June: 9am to 1pm WorkshopSaturday 27 June 9am to 1pm WorkshopSunday 28 June 9am to 1pm WorkshopMonday 29 June 9am to 1pm WorkshopTuesday 30 June 9am to 1pm WorkshopRegistration Fees:Licensed Professional: $795.00 USDStudent or Intern: $595.00 USDGroup Rates: Please inquire ..... send an email to
info@italyseminars.com with the names in your group. Then we will create individual invoices or each member of the group.Special conference rates at the Villa Rinacimento:Main Villa 128,00 double single use 148,00 double 181,00 triple 214,00 double with two extra bedsAnnex 80,00 double single use 100,00 double 133,00 tripleAll prices are per room per night and include breakfast. When you are registered we will book your room.To check currency conversion rates go to:
What is included?
Welcome Reception and Buffet Dinner (spouses/partners pay a nominal fee)
Walking Tour of Old Lucca
Shuttle to Downtown Lucca or Pisa each day
Discounted Hotel and Meal rates at the Villa Rinacimento (breakfast included in room rates)
Local expertise on excursions
We aim to create an intimate
setting where the presenter is
available in a less formal way, where colleagues from all over the
world feel free to share cases, feedback, and consultation, while at
the same time enjoying the delights of Italy.
2009 we are looking forward to enjoying the
heart of the Tuscan countryside. The venue is "off the beaten path", 15
minutes by car from downtown Lucca and downtown Pisa, nestled in the
Tuscan hills.
English is the official language of this workshop. No translation services available. Space is limited.
Organized by Pronto Professional SeminarsPRONTO PROFESSIONAL SEMINARS provides high quality educational workshops in Italy featuring internationally respected authors and presenters within the context of an intimate and authentic cultural setting. We offer a respite from practice and job stress and a wonderful opportunity to travel into local Italian culture with colleagues from around the world! Participants gain international networking opportunities and educational credit. Using the navigation bars to the left, you can learn about and register for our next seminars. Space is limited.Obtain your continuing education credits (CE) while enjoying the beauty of Italy. These days, it may seem difficult to consider a real vacation. Yet you may need time away from your practice now more than ever. Our goal is to provide you with an affordable way to combine work and pleasure. When you take one of our CE courses, you may be able to write off most or all of your expenses in Italy and airfare (talk to your accountant for details).Increased Relaxation = Increased Learning and Retention When you're in Italy, it's like being in another world. It's easier to relax and let go. Our classes are designed so that your afternoons are free to wander through the countryside, take in a winery, have a wonderful meal, or visit a museum. Our participants tell us that learning in this environment, at a more relaxed pace allows them to integrate new material faster and more easily.Unlike large symposia and conferences, we aim to create an intimate setting where the presenter is available in a less formal way, where colleagues from all over the world feel free to share cases, feedback, and consultation, while at the same time enjoying the delights of Italy.In June 2009 we are looking forward to enjoying the heart of the Tuscan countryside. The venue is "off the beaten path", 15 minutes by car from downtown Lucca and downtown Pisa, nestled in the Tuscan hills.English is the main language of our workshops.
Ticket Info: - Professional, $804.95
- Student or Intern (proof of full time status required), $604.95
- Continuing Education Certificate, $35.99
Official Website: http://narrative-practice-in-italia-upcoming.eventbrite.com