2286 Cedar St.
Berkeley, California 94709

World Premiere! See the documentary, meet the FilmMaker and national Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) activists and bloggers.

Today we launch our documentary, Engage Her: Getting minority women to lead and vote and our new online organization, http://www.engageher.org to the national media, ethnic media and to our partners & organizations. With over 30+ million minority women in the U.S. who are eligible to vote, we can make a big and profound impact on our November elections. More importantly when you multiply our influence on our families, communities and social networks, to go out and vote, we have a huge part to play in choosing our next President. Even more important is all the excitement and feedback we’re getting from women regardless of their racial or ethnic background who want to join us. They’re saying that our key messages and focus on the issues we universally care about is what we all should focus on when we vote. Together, we will pick the next President of the United States.

Official Website: http://www.engageher.org/

Added by raines on September 20, 2008



I'm looking forward to this from my friend Mable. Here's her blog post with more detail:

Interested 3