2501 NW 229th Ave
Hillsboro, Oregon

Bringing cost effective energy to the Billions living in primitive conditions

Over 1.6 billion people, upwards of 30% of the global population, are without access to electricity. Electricity advances developmental factors such as small business development, extended working hours, access to communications, enhanced education levels and rural development. Energy can improve life of millions.

In developing countries access to energy remains constrained by factors such as limited access to well adapted affordable technology, fragmented small markets, prohibitive taxes and limited financial resources. On Dec 14th , at the Copenhagen Climate conference the Obama Administration announced a $350 million dollar initiative dubbed Climate REDI to promote clean energy technologies in developing countries.

Join us on March 17th for a discussion with our expert panel, on what kind of innovations in products, finance, supply and service can ensure reliable & affordable energy to the billions of poor across the world. We will get a deeper insight into the problems, economics, delivery, and growth of this important area of focus that many stakeholders are fully engaged in.

Our 2 panelists are:
- Patrick Maloney, Program Director Lemelson Foundation, , dedicated to improving lives through invention. Lemelson Foundation has awarded grants to SELCO India for it's Incubation Center and Innovation Department to develop new products and new business models to solve key problems for energy consumers.

- Michael (Kipp) Baratoff , Principal, Equilibrium Capital a fund focused on funding and building the leading companies for a sustainable future.
The panel will be moderated by Bill Campbell, Principal Equlibrium Capital & TiE Oregon Charter Member. & Board Member.

Our event organizer, TiE Oregon Clean Energy SIG chair, Ravi Sinha, is the Chairman of Choice Solar India Pvt Ltd., a company engaged in creative distribution of energy solutions to India's marginalized residents.

Official Website:

Added by tieoregon on March 15, 2010