Entrepreneurs for Sustainability (E4S) Third Tuesday Network Event
How much energy will you save this year?
General Price: Free
Co-hosted with the Cleveland Green Building Coalition
Energy efficiency is more than light bulbs and energy star appliances. It is the least expensive energy, no energy at all! Businesses across the country are using energy efficiency as a tactic to reduce peak demand for electricity, avoid capital investment in new energy production and to create new jobs. Join us March 20th to hear from local business leaders who have gone deep for energy savings and learn about tools and resources to help you do it too. Hear about emerging business opportunities in the energy efficiency industry.
A negawatt is a unit of energy saved. Amory Lovins, RMI said “Every negawatt generated has the potential to increase our wealth and health as few other investments can. Negawatts enable us to to do more with less and the opportunities are almost boundless. Energy efficiency is the great new energy resource of our future and a vital key to a sustainable environment.”
Why aren’t more NEO businesses taking advantage of this serious opportunity for savings? The healthcare community recognizes that there is a disconnect between knowing you’d be healthier if you lost weight and actually making a change in behavior and taking the steps to loose weight. The energy efficiency industry knows that there is disconnect between knowing you’re building isn’t operating as efficiently as it could and taking the steps necessary to lower your energy bills. What will change our energy appetite?
How much energy could you save this year if you did a retro-commissioning, hired a energy service company to perform an energy audit, replaced energy-hog process equipment, upgraded your HVAC system, designed a new building or renovation using the end-use/least-cost model, or made improvements to your existing building envelope?
Are you ready to set a energy efficiency BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)? What if you pledged to reduce your business’ energy demand by 50% by 2020? Put energy efficiency to work in Northeast Ohio!
According to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE), steps to increase efficiency can reduce U.S. energy use—and related greenhouse-gas emissions—by at least 30 percent. And that`s being conservative. The "2,000-Watt Society" program promoted by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology claims it`s feasible to reduce per-capita energy use in industrialized countries to 2,000 watts per day--that`s a two-thirds reduction in energy use for Europeans and a five-sixths decrease for spendthrift Americans—without crimping anyone`s standard of living.
- Source: Reed McManus
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED: RSVP for this free event today by filling out our online form or call 216-451-7755.
EXHIBITOR TABLES AVAILABLE: Organizations and businesses that embrace sustainability are invited to reserve an exhibitor table. $150 for a whole table, $100 for a shared, half table. Current E4S Members receive $50 off tables.
Official Website: http://www.e4s.org/content/eventdetail.asp?id=155
Added by dimitra on March 14, 2007
I can't go, but had on my list to post. Thanks for doing so, D...!