32 Vassar Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139


We'll Explore:

Analyzing and choosing of appropriate markets for new technologies
Do I go big or find a niche?

The obstacles to market acceptance
Who is going to pay and why?

The obstacles to personnel growth
How do I find the right people?

The obstacles to financing
With all this money, there must be a
VC in here somewhere . . .

Exit/liquidity strategies
How do we monetize the opportunities at hand?

The Panel:
Roger G. Little - CEO, Spire Corporation
Scott A. Pearson - CEO, Protonex Technology Corporation
Andrew Perlman - CEO, GreatPoint Energy
Christopher Poirier - CEO, Coaltek, Inc.

President Bush, in his State of the Union Address, labeled the United States as "Addicted to Oil" and called for the reduction of foreign dependence on oil. The U.S. government has realized that it is now a matter of homeland security to achieve this goal and federal funding is earmarked for new energy technologies. The States are increasingly earmarking funds for Clean Technology and developing incentives like renewable portfolio standards. We see evidence of global climate change in the popular press almost daily and the public outcry cannot be ignored. The confluence of these events has helped to create a robust energy and clean technology investment sector, where nearly one billion dollars in funding was invested in clean technology companies in 2005. However, this unprecedented opportunity to develop businesses in clean technology has not changed the fact that old fashioned basic execution on your business plan is the only path to success.

With execution in mind, we have assembled an All-Star panel of four CEOs from some of the most promising local energy technology companies representing a number of technologies and market opportunities each at different stages of the business lifecycle: fuel cells, coal gasification; photovoltaics; and clean coal.

Members:$20, Non-Members $30, Students FREE

Website: http://www.mitforumcambridge.org/april06.html
Email: rbutler@mit.edu
Phone: 617-253-2568

Added by FullCalendar on March 14, 2006

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