This workshop intensive is beneficial for traditional & holistic healing practitioners of all levels: Doctors, nurses, counselors, hospice and home care professionals, chiropractors, body work & massage therapists, healing arts practitioners, acupuncturists, aestheticians, and those in the beauty field. The subject matter was encouraged by wellness professionals that wanted to better serve their clients & maintain their own energy integrity. It was developed from both practical experience & the wisdom teachings of several traditions.
The nature of a healers work is to “reach out” to others. Within that gift is a call to engage in active self-care and energy maintenance. Many of us suffer from "drain out" - the depletion of our personal energy by the absorption of environmental stressors, including other peoples energy. This course offers real practices and methodologies that support the health, well-being, and the evolution of the healer and her/his practice. We will explore the following areas:
• First, the basics! Understanding our energy anatomy.The chakras & other systems (their mental, spiritual, and physical influences)
• Energy awareness - why it is important to maintain & strengthen the Aura.
• The effects of illness on the chakras & the energy field
• Understanding energy exchange. What it means to give away energy. How to detect energy losses and recover.
• Spiritual house cleaning and purification for the workplace & your home
• Spiritual body-building: Practices to purify (emotional. spiritual, & mental toxins) and recharge your personal energy
• Psychic self defense specifically for healers
• Ethics and other guidance principals for practitioners
• Healing Do's & Don'ts
• We will also explore the healing power of nature & how to work with Mother Earth to balance, heal ,& restore the energy field
This class is highly interactive. We will learn through practical application of the principals discussed. Class exercises include the practice of : advanced grounding and clearing techniques, energy sensing, breathe work, healing mudras, and practices to clear the home and office.You will leave the class empowered with tools to do your work and live more effectively. Wear comfortable clothing. We will have a scheduled lunch and break during the day. Pre-registration is required to ensure that there are course materials for each participant. Class size is limited. To register, contact 978-973-6637 or
Official Website:
Added by sacredspiraldance on December 15, 2009