By Eva Mulvad and Anja Al-Erhayem
Winner of the World Cinema Jury Prize: Documentary at the 2007 Sundance Film Festival
Enemies of Happiness centers on Malalai Joya, who became one of Afghanistan’s most famous and infamous women. She challenged the power of warlords in the country’s new government and in 2005 ran the country’s first democratic parliamentary election in over 30 years. A survivor of repeated assassination attempts, Joya became the controversial voice for a nation ruined by war, still ruled by fear, but desperate for a change for the better.
Public Info:
415-978-2787 or www.ybca.org
$8 regular; $6 students, seniors, teachers & YBCA members
Official Website: http://www.ybca.org
Added by nglnd_lzbth on March 25, 2008