529 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario

Hosted By:
Lee's Palace/ Endsville/ Fiend /Liar and a Thief

Wednesday Apr 12, 2006
Doors open at 8:00 PM
Endsville - 8:45
Fiend - 9:45
Liar and a Thief - 10:45

Lee's Palace
1 1/2 blocks East of Bathurst on Bloor

About Endsville

Endsville (www.endsville.ca or www.myspace.com/endsvillemusic ) is a roots rock band that every now and then put too many batteries in their distortion pedals. Their sound is familiar, yet original, with traces of influences like Elvis Costello, Green Day, Ron Sexsmith and REM all wrapped up in a powerful and emotional delivery.

Endsville is a band that multiplies the energy in their music tenfold when they hit the stage. Whether it?s high energy acoustic rock like ?Paranormal Sunrise? and ?Bartender Song?, or full on, full out electric rock anthems like ?Ants? and ?Room?, or Keith busting out a harmonic solo and thrusting out into the crowd while the band rocks the stage in ?Get Away?, their shows are enthusiastic, entertaining and charged with energy.

The secret to their sound and their philosophy on stage is ensuring the audience is having as much fun listening as they are playing ? and walking off stage having given everything to the performance and to the audience. The sum of all these parts culminate in one of the most talked about new bands in the Toronto this year.

Endsville is:
Vox/6-String: Keith Jolie
Keith is a seasoned singer and songwriter, and somehow with all his many talents has managed not to develop the ?Rockstar? ego. His lyrics are taken from real life experiences and enveloped in guitar tones that scream conviction. To his credit Keith has also released a solid solo album called ?City so cold? in 1998, which is available on CDbaby.com, and 2 other limited releases.

Skins: Minas Hatzigiannatzoglou
If you?re counting, yes it?s 18 letters long. Minas developed his technique from years of learning from the masters of rock. If it?s filed under ?classic rock?, he can play it. His philosophy is simple - if you are going to play a rhythm, then make sure everyone is going to feel that rhythm. You?ll always see a grin on his face, when the kick drum drops and the stage comes alive.

4-string: Steve Cave
The nicest guy in rock and roll. At 16, Steve bought his first bass. He returned it. Years later he bought he?s brother?s bass, enjoyed it but then traded it for a guitar. He played guitar in a friend?s band, but they never left the rehearsal space. Then he traded his motorcycle for a bass and never looked back. In 2005 he answered a want ad for a bass player that read ?frowns not tolerated?. Three weeks later Endsville was born.

Performance History:
Audiences are amazed at the fact that Endsville is only months old. In fact, Steve Cave's first live performance EVER was at the bands first show at the Legendary Horseshoe Tavern in November 2005

Having played two packed shows at the Horseshoe (with surprise guest Danko Jones opening for the band in Jan 06) the band went on to win first place in round one of the Emergenza Music Festival (Dec 9, 05).

Endsville was invited to bring their show to the venerable Lee's Palace for on Feb 23rd, 2006. The response to that show was phenomenal, with the audience dancing and screaming for the show not to end.

In March 06, the response at the quarter finals of the Emergenza festival was equally as positive, and once again the audience gave Endsville the nod to move on to the semifinal round.

Added by kjolie on April 6, 2006