504 W. 22nd St.
New York City, New York 10011

Shawn Cheng, Boyce Cummings, Nick DiGenova
Kid Acne, Sean McCarthy, Mr. Jago, Tokyoplastic
July 9 - August 6, 2004

Fredericks Freiser Gallery is pleased to announce a group exhibition of new drawing, painting and sculpture. Artists include Shawn Cheng (NY), Boyce Cummings (NY), Nick DiGenova (Canada), Kid Acne (UK), Sean McCarthy (NY), Mr. Jago (UK), Tokyoplastic (UK).

"The sleep of reason breeds monsters" -- reason may be on the fritz lately but few since Goya have had the imagination and pure linear finesse necessary to tease these monsters out into the light of day. Luckily, our kids have been watching a lot of TV, reading a lot of comics, and living in a world whose walls continuously bleed messages from its own unconscious in the form of graffiti. The children have been watching and learning and building a whole new language from what they find. Seceding from the quiet cycle of recycled aesthetics these artists are reinventing the art of invention from the ground up, exploring every sense of the word graphic -- "Graphic" being, for eyes, what "Loud" is for ears.


Added by higa on August 5, 2004