147 Roebling Street
Brooklyn, New York 11211


VestAndPage - Verena Stenke & Andrea Pagnes


Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present,
All time is unredeemable.
(T.S.Eliot, Burnt Norton, Four Quartets)
Reconstructive Performance
Duration: 30 minutes
Academy of Fine Arts – Terribilia Courtyard, Bologna, in occasion of the opening of the exhibition PAST IS NOT ALONE, Basilica Cistern Yerebatan Sarnici, Istanbul – September 2009
by ERRARS aps - Bologna
Photos: Paolo Panzera


What is liberty without wisdom and without virtue?
It is the greatest of all possible evils,
For it is folly, vice, and madness, without tuition or restraint.
(Edmund Burke)

Restricted Performance

Duration: durational

Teatro 334 – Florence - September 2007
Maschinehaus in der Kulturbrauerei – Berlin - October 2007

Photos: Elena Turchi, Simone Donati


If the dull substance of my flesh were thought, I would have considered my dreams as a proof of my existence.
I am not what I was.
Breathing Performance
Duration: 20 minutes
Kunstinvasion - Neue Kunsthalle Berlin – June 2008
Photos: Irina Utkina


I could compare my music to white light, which contains all colors.
Only a prism can divide the colors and make them appear.
This prism could be the spirit of the listener.
(Arvo Pärt)
Meditative Performance for two performers and a violin player
Duration: turns of 30 minutes for 9 people at a time
5th Visibility Project – Galata Perform, Tiyatro Z - Istanbul – October 2009
Photos: Courtesy Tiyatro Z


You could not step twice into the same river,
For other waters are ever flowing on to you.

Performance within projected videos

Duration: 3 hours

In.Sight.Out – Bologna Estate – Giardino del Guasto, Bologna – September 2008

Photos: Giulio Cassanelli


Do you know what is the existence?
No, I don’t remember.


DVD PAL - color with sound - 2'38" min – 2008

Photos: Stills from the video


Real communication cannot be replaced by mechanical, mediated actions which have no relevance because they do not convey anything, and the need to exist as individual willing to open up and exorcise all fears is more acute than ever in the twenty-first century, in spite of all the cultivated illusion of the cocooned global village.
(Dana Altman)

Translative Performance

Duration: 1-3 hours

ArtKontakt – Porto Palermo/Albania – August 2007
Muliqui Prize – Kosovo National Art Gallery – Prishtina – December 2007
Fondaco dell’Arte - ArteCommunications/Bevilacqua La Masa - Venice - April 2009
AdmCom – ERRARS aps - Bologna – June 2009
XIV Biennale of Europe and the Mediterranean – BJCEM – Skopje – September 2009
EPIPIDERME – Fabrica Braco de Prata – Lisbon - January 2010

Photos: Lumturi Blloshmi, Fabrice Ziegler, Francesco Patané


The most effective way to save endangered species is to protect the places they need to live.

Isolated Performance

Duration: 3 hours

ArteFattaPezzi – Arte Fiera Off – Bologna – January 2008

Photos: Claudia Riva


A quest for moments of lost happiness, re-winded, re-memorized.
Objects and pictures of the past become insects of time-
Stabbed and prepared.

Video Tale Series “Topolino”
DVD PAL - color with sound - 2'58" min (original 18'31"min) – 2008/2009
Photos: Video stills from the Video Tale Series “Topolino” – Part I “Le temps retrouvé”

Performance Art is life in itself.
It is primarily real.
(Annotation: this sentence writing should “run” all along one wall of the gallery.
Erik, please be free to choose the size therefore!)

Short CV: (find more detailed participation list on http://www.vest-and-page.de/VESTANDPAGE/Where.html)

Verena Stenke and Andrea Pagnes work together since 2006 as V e s t A n d P a g e mainly in the field of Performance Art, including techniques of installation, video, poetry and sound. They screen their video art and present their performances, lectures and workshops in Europe, Asia, South America and the U.S.

United, they found within Performance Art the perfect common ground to talk about topics they concern: impermanence, transformation, memory activation and a translative poetry.
They wish to arrive with the spectators to a shift of reality and time, touching most inner human sensors.

The German born Ve r e n a S t e n k e studied Fine Arts at Freie Kunstschule Stix, Heilbronn and Maskmaking & Makeup artistry at Mainfranken Theater Wuerzburg and at the Media&Event-Academy Baden-Baden. She trained martial arts, later Contemporary, Sufi and Butoh dance during her living in Berlin and Social Theatre with Isole Comprese Teatro, Firenze/I. She also works on sound and video.
The Venetian born A n d r e a P a g n e s has achieved his Master Diploma in Art Critic and Museology at the International Art University of Venice-Florence and his Degrees in Modern Literature and Philosophy at the University of Venice. Further he took the Social Theatre Actor Diploma from Isole Comprese Teatro, Florence in 2006, writing for them and performing the piece Corpo 1 Prologo, and then in 7 others. In the year 2008 he got the Diploma in Creative Writings (method Raymond Carver), Rome.
He published art essays, proses and poetry and worked as translator. He curated and coordinated international exhibitions in Munich, Cologne, Berlin, Venice, Bologna and Vancouver and exhibited his own paintings, sculptures and installations in Italy, Belgium, Germany, Brazil, UK and US.
In 1990 he received the UE Robert Schuman Silver medal for his activities, and in the year 2000 the Millennium Painting Award in representation of his own country.
He was Artistic director of Studio Tagliapetra Glass Sculpture&Design, Murano (1994-1996) and Marco Polo Glass Gallery & Studio, Murano (2000-2005).

Official Website: http://alicechiltongallery.blogspot.com

Added by alicechiltongallery on February 28, 2010