30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Ross, California 94957

In its fourth production of the season, ROSS VALLEY PLAYERS presents the Broadway hit Enchanted April, a romantic comedy written by Matthew Barber, based on the novel by Elizabeth von Arnim. Set in 1920’s London, Enchanted April is the story of two frustrated housewives who take a trip to Italy in hopes of rediscovering themselves. The Hartford News called Enchanted April, “The kind of play that reminds you why you love theatre.”

Regular Thursday performances are at 7:30PM; Fridays and Saturdays at 8PM; Sunday matinees at 2PM. (Please note there is no matinee on Sunday, March 17.) Ticket prices are $22 for Seniors 62+ and children 18 and under; $26 general admission. Preview night ticket prices are $10 for children and students (with valid student ID); $15 general admission. Thursday night tickets prices are $20 for all ages (does not include Thursday preview night.)
To order tickets, call 415-456-9555, ext. 1 or visit www.rossvalleyplayers.com.

Audience members are invited to participate in “Talkback” with the director and actors after Sunday performances, March 24 and April 7. Buzz at the Barn, a pre-show cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres and wine, will take place on Saturday, March 16 at 7PM.

Enchanted April tells the story of four very different women in 1920’s England who leave their damp and rainy surroundings to go on a holiday to a secluded coastal villa in Italy. Mrs. Rose Arnott (Tweed Conrad), and Mrs. Lotty Wilton (Avila Reese), who belong to the same ladies' club but have never spoken, become acquainted after reading a newspaper advertisement for a villa in Italy that is available for rent. They find some common ground in that both are struggling to make the best of unhappy marriages. Having decided to seek other ladies to help share expenses, they reluctantly take on the irritable, elderly Mrs. Graves (Anne Ripley) and the stunning, but reserved, Lady Caroline Bramble (Kate Fox Marcom.) The four women come together at the castle and find rejuvenation in the tranquil beauty of their surroundings, rediscovering hope and love. Enchanted April is directed by Cris Cassell, produced by Maureen O’Donoghue.

Additional cast members include: Ross Berger as Anthony Wilding; Ron Dailey as Mellersh Wilton; Tom Hudgens as Frederick Arnott, and Maxine Sattizahn as Costanza.

Official Website: http://www.rossvalleyplayers.com

Added by cmargaritafranco on February 27, 2013