The EV Hip Hop Forum willchallengeyou as an artists to discover a bigger purpose beyond the street, studio and stage and isregardedas a premier networking event where you can meet those in the Hip Hop community who, like you, share a call to bigger things and a desire to get more out of their craft.
The Forum isdesigned asanintimateevent of only 100 seats and will cover topics on developing your skillz, marketing, promotions and other industry topics. The various speakers and interactive open forum segments will have you geared up with new inspirations and drive.
Whoshouldattend is anyone who is involved in the process and has a desire to see change in the Hip Hop community with positive spins and more meaningful lyrics. Its for Producers, managers, label executives, writers and artists who want to revive rap with the breath ofintellect, meaning and something real to say.
The Day will include special guest speakers involved in the movement, open forums, and topped off with a showcase open to the public (limited public ticketsavailable). We will break for lunch and serve everyone dinner prior to the event.
SHOWCASE OPPORTUNITYwill be open to Artists. There will be 10 Slotsavailable.
Organized by Empty Vessel MusicTo Encourage, Enable and Equip others so to TRANSFORM LIVES using Music as the Tool.
Ticket Info: - Early Registration, $35.00
- Standard Registration, $45.00
- Late Registration, $56.38
- Showcase Tickets, $15.99
- Affiliate Registration, $25.00
Official Website: http://hiphopforum-upcoming.eventbrite.com