1300 Grand St
Alameda, California 94501

Humanity in Unity presents:
Empower Yourself Using Divine Light for Healing and Self-Mastery

"Enlightenment is the first step to perfection of Life. Ascension is
the second step. What is the meaning of enlightenment? Enlighten what
is not in the Light within and without."
- H.H. Sai Maa

Whether you're an experienced energyworker or are taking the first steps
on your path towards awakening, this gathering provides a powerful
experiential opportunity to invoke and anchor Divine Light in your
physical and subtle bodies.

In the workshop, you will learn techniques to:

* Empower yourself to shift into a higher state of awareness
* Experience the Self more deeply using powerful tools for Awakening
* Activate within yourself the attributes of Enlightenment: Love,
Compassion, Peace, Forgiveness, Gratitude & Joy

**Free Introductory Program**
When: Friday March 6 2009, 7-9pm
Where: 1300 Grand St, Alameda CA 94501 (The Home of Truth Spiritual Center)

Sai Maa’s Master Teachers will lead a guided meditation and offer Pure
Light Blessings, a powerful technique for illuminating the brain.

Donations graciously accepted.

**Main Program**
When: Saturday March 7 2009, 9:30am-4:30pm
Where: 1300 Grand St, Alameda CA 94501 (The Home of Truth Spiritual Center)
Cost: $88, $75 for youth and seniors on low or fixed income

Experience is the greatest teacher. Join us for this day-long event where we will
learn through experience how to heal, empower and master our beings using Divine Light.

We will also train in how to offer Pure Light Blessings to others.

**Personal Sessions**
When: Saturday March 7 2009, 4:30-5:30pm
Where: 1300 Grand St, Alameda CA 94501 (The Home of Truth Spiritual Center)
Cost: $144

Personal Sessions are designed to more fully activate the Divine Light
in the body. Through spiritual and energetic methods, Personal Sessions
serve to open gateways to higher consciousness and align us to the process of
enlightenment and ascension.

By appointment only.

For more information, visit:

**How to Register**
To register for either the Main Program or for a Personal Session, visit:
or contact Bill Rafferty at 303-774-8989 or bill@HumanityInUnity.org.

Contact Jan Collins at 650-593-8721 or janstarcollins@comcast.net

Official Website: http://www.humanityinunity.org/HIU/Programs/MasterTeacherPrograms/AlamedaCAMar6-7/index.cfm

Added by Vivekanand on February 19, 2009

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