In just one year, the new administration has dramatically impacted our workplaces, and 2010 promises more of the same. Legislative and agency activity continues apace, and HR professionals have their hands full keeping track of changes. Join us for a three-hour overview on the top legal issues facing HR. You'll leave armed with the information you need to stay ahead of the curve. Get the latest on:
Health care reform
The Employee Free Choice Act
New ADA regulations
You can't afford to miss this valuable workshop!
Garry G. Mathiason is a senior shareholder of Littler Mendelson as well as the chairman and founder of Employment Law Training, Inc.(TM) (ELT), an on-line legal compliance training company with 4 million users. Mr. Mathiason has personally supervised attorneys on over 1,000 employment and labor litigation matters and currently defends employers in complex wage & hour and discrimination class action cases. Based on his extensive experience, he originated several of the firm's preventive employment law programs, has drafted model legislation on workplace violence, and appeared frequently on national radio and television regarding violence prevention in the workplace.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on December 20, 2009