In the past starting your own business was risky. Most often it involved coming up with lots of money, quitting your job, and putting both you, your family, and everything you own on the line.
However, a new breed of solo entrepreneurs have emerged who leverage the power of the Internet and control a vast empire from their home, office, or wherever they happen to be.
Today the risks have shifted, and your bigger risk is doing nothing - staying in your current job, living paycheck to paycheck, seeing no upside ahead. Consider the following:
Is your current job a good fit for you? What is the risk of having your talents continually sidelined as you wait for a better opportunity?
Are you being paid what you’re worth? What if you let the market decide what you’re worth instead of your boss?
What is the risk of ending up 65 or 70 and having regretted your entire life?
Who gets to define success or failure in your life? What would it be worth if every failure could be turned into a success, and you were in charge of your own destiny?
Starting on March 26th the DaVinci Institute will be launching the "Empire of One," a 10-week, full-immersion, course for people wanting to break free of their current job.
An Empire of One Business is a one-person (sometimes married couple) business with far reaching spheres of influence. Since you’re in charge, it can be as big or as small as you wish it to be.
The business you create can be formed around a product, a service, or a combination of both. It can be a for-profit, non-profit, domestic-only, international, have broad appeal, or only be for be for left-handed people in Armenia.
You can keep your current job, or tell your boss to take a flying leap.
An Empire of One business puts you squarely in the captain’s seat of your own starship. We will help you set the stage, chose a starting point, surround yourself with experts, and build your own communities. Most importantly, we plan to make it fun. But in the end, this is a journey that you’re in charge of.
Join us on Feb 25th and we'll fill you in on the bigger vision.
NOTE: Free beer, wine, and refreshments will be provided.
Official Website:
Added by DaVinci Institute Events on January 30, 2013