Emotional Body Enlightenment or EBE, is a systematic healing of the parts of ourselves that were wounded in early life. These wounded parts show up in adult life in the disguise of our strategic inauthenticity. To heal them is to gradually ease out of our familial, cultural, religious, philosophical and spiritual overlays so our emotionally authentic self can vulnerably let go into love and participate fully in life. This is healing of the emotional wounding wrapped around our core goodness. This is also true and lasting change at the deepest level.
EBE is part of an overarching emoto-spiritual paradigm developed by Daniel Stacy Barron and offered in his books There's no such thing as a negative emotion and Enheartenment.
This talk will introduce some of the key premises of EBE, amongst them the paradigmatic shift that we are primarily emotional beings, and the consequences of this for our understanding of healthy intimacy, the real nature of self-esteem, what actually constitutes healthy parenting and the true reality of human self-interest.
The universal architecture of the human emotional body will be illustrated and unfolded, including a discussion about emotional maturity and authentic self-love when the self-unworthiness that is carried unconsciously in our core begins to heal.
The talk will give some detail about EBE's emotive homeopathy, and the radically different way that healing occurs when the primacy of our emotional bodies is embraced. EBE's origins, in Daniel Barron's recognition that his own non-dual enlightenment did not, and could not, include the crucial emotional component EBE addresses, will be included.
For more about EBE and Theohumanity, the overarching paradigm within which EBE is located, visit www.theohumanity.org
No charge.
Official Website: http://heartofthehuman.com/
Added by FullCalendar on October 29, 2008