Lost on the Midway is a collection of over 25 new paintings and drawings by Emily Martin, alias The Black Apple.
The show will also debut several new dolls created especially for the show, as well as various other curiosities. Inspired by the world of the Carnival, the show contains portraits and depictions of both oddities and wonderment: Tattooed men (and ladies), dancing bears, a dog-faced boy, a Figi mermaid, Siamese twins, and more await. Step right up!
Emily has been creating and selling her artwork, dolls (paper and otherwise), and curiosities under the moniker “The Black Apple” since 2005. She has been featured on The Martha Stewart Show, in the New York Times Magazine, and was voted Venus Zine magazine’s Best Indie Business in 2007.
Her blog, Inside a Black Apple, contains a mishmash of new artwork, inspiration, and odds & ends.
Emily Winfield Martin is a painter, stitcher, and scribbler. When she was small, her best friends were her books, her rabbits, and her dad. When she grew up, she studied paint- ing, photography, and English literature at the University of Georgia in the sunny South where she was born. She now lives among the giant firs of Portland, Oregon with her best fella, Josiah, and her darling, rotten cat, Miette. She works in a tiny, cozy studio with towering stacks of old fabric and dusty books, and a toy piano.
Emily draws inspiration from autobiography, early to mid twentieth century children’s books and toys, comics, carni- vals, natural history museums, fashions of the 1930s and 1960s, and her favorite bands.
She has a forthcoming book due out in November on Random House, entitled The Black Apple’s Paper Doll Primer.
Official Website: http://landpdx.com/post/587807434/emily-martin-is-exhibiting-in-land-in-june-lost
Added by pat-c on May 13, 2010