Every year we resolve that we will get better at compliance and like all New Year’s Resolutions there comes a point where we totally give up in frustration and resolve that things are going to be as they are. We hope that this workshop will help you unwrap the compliance package and move to real solutions for your company.
Risk Management is always taboo – do we really need risk management as HR Professionals? The answer is a resounding - Yes. What are the inherent risk exposures for your company and do you have the solutions readily available? Have you done a risk management audit? Have you asked your self – What would happen if…?
As 2014 approaches and health care reform evolves, most employers are finding that they must implement some form of web based enrollment. Have you evaluated the risk and liability associated with web based enrollment solutions? Does your carrier contract leave you exposed to pitfalls and liability? Do you understand the “Best Practices” for vendor selection?
This is a rare opportunity for HR Professionals to learn the 101 of Risk Management and the 101 of Web Based Health Care Enrollment Compliance. We are going to connect the dots, highlight the exposures and give you a solid solutions roadmap.
Let’s start the year off with compliance at the forefront of your organization resolution. Join us on February 3, 2012, from 1:00-3:30pm, at the Delray Beach Public Library for the First – Palm Beach County Emerging Trends Workshop. This is a complimentary Workshop sponsored by Corporate Benefit Advisors and WorkCompSeminars.com More details are at http://catalog.workcompseminars.com/emerging-trends-workshop-compliance-is-never-that-simple-tackling-risk-management-exposures-health-care-electronic-enrollment-vendor-selection-feb-3-2012-delray-beach-fl/
Summer Hamilton, Vice President of Sales, BeneTrac
Summer joined BeneTrac in October of 2008 and currently oversees national distribution in addition to managing the development of many strategic relationships with key carriers, who are vital to the continued success of the BeneTrac organization. Based in Tampa, Hamilton works with carriers, brokers, human resources professionals, and benefits administrators across the country to help them migrate to BeneTrac’s automated employee benefits management technology from traditional paper-laden or other less automated systems.
Margaret Spence, CWC, RMPE President/CEO of Douglas Claims & Risk Consultants, Inc. and WorkCompSeminars.com
Margaret is the author of - From Workers' Comp Claimant to Valued Employee. She is a Board Certified Workers' Compensation Consultant, Speaker and Trainer who ranks among the experts in the field of injury management and return to work implementation. She focuses on aligning workers compensation best practices with prudent HR policies.
RSVP: Contact Mike Powers at 561-632-7258
This is a complimentary Workshop sponsored by Corporate Benefit Advisors and WorkCompSeminars.com
Added by ZenziCom on January 19, 2012