472(Up) and 480(Down) Mass Avenue
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139

go see disquiet, march 2 in boston! jonas, john, and daniel would appreciate the support and votes of anyone who's gonna be in boston on 3-2-08. They are in round 2 of a battle of the bands, and need our help to keep advancing. I just saw them last night at the abbey lounge and as always, they kicked it. so check out their myspace for extra info. I have advance tickets available for 10.00 they are 15.00 at the door. email for tickets: tallon_karrde1@yahoo.com, or Disquietsongs@gmail.com peace all.

Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of tallon_karrde1.

Added by tallon_karrde1 on March 4, 2008

Interested 1