What Will the Training Include?
The Embracing Life Leadership Training will introduce key teachings found in ELS and More Life! Content will be geared toward assisting potential leaders to effectively and creatively present the material to future participants.
This training will be a time of equipping that will bring hope and healing to you, personally, through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
Speakers: Jonathan Hunter and EL Leadership Team
Session Review
Created in the Image of God
Overview of an Illness
Uncovering Our True Identity
Shame and Self Hatred
Breaking Free from the Spirit of Death
Intimacy with Jesus
Creative Ways of Communicating God's Presence
Healing Transformation in Christ and the Cross
There will be considerable group interaction and prayer throughout the training.
Conference Schedule
Wednesday Morning
Registration: 8:30am - 9:30 am
Morning/Evening sessions: 9:30am - 9:30pm
Thursday and Friday
All sessions: 9:00am - 9:30pm
All sessions: 9:00am - 6:30pm
Note: Confirmation will be sent following receipt of registration until May 1st. When registering after May 1st, please phone for confirmation: 626-798-7398.
**Snacks will be available throughout the training. Continental breakfast will be provided each morning. Sufficient time will be given for lunch and dinner, which will be on your own. A listing of local restaurants will be provided.
Hotel Information
The following two options will offer guaranteed reduced rates if booked one month in advance of training (ask for Vineyard Anaheim Church conference rate).
Best Western: (714) 779-0252 ( within walking distance of the church)
Fairfield Inn: (714) 921-1100
Closest Airport is John Wayne Airport/Santa Ana
info@embracinglife.us or call 1-626-798-7398
Organized by Embracing Life Ministries
Ticket Info: - Individual, $195.00
- Married Couple, $350.00
Official Website: http://eltrainings-upcoming.eventbrite.com