Sprouse House Productions presents...
Live at Cosmic Charlie's
Thursday, September 16th
9 p.m. - $3 cover
388 Woodland Ave.
Lexington, KY
ELSINORE (Champaign, IL)
"​Champaign, Illinois' Elsinore opened [for St. Vincent] with a pretty flawless set of power-pop and space-rock. Singer Ryan Groff has a faultless falsetto and hair-metal pipes, and he puts them to good use on his band's kinetic, catchy songs. I already had him pegged as a less-mousy Ben Gibbard, and the balls-out cover of the Postal Service's "The District Sleeps Alone Tonight" sealed the deal. Elsinore just wrapped up the recording of its next disc Yes Yes Yes, and if the dance-heavy title track is any indication, it should be stellar."
-River Front Times | St. Louis (10.2.09)
"Lexington, Kentucky's best kept secret. The guys in Garland Buckeye are back with more genuine hard rockers. On Burgin Hill picks up where the band's last release left off. Killer rhythms combine with thick, meaty guitars and peculiar vocals (similar to J. Mascis) to create a formidable wall of cool rock and roll energy. Songs are what make the band, however...and the songs are mighty strong here. The band consists of Brad Gordon (vocals, guitar, bass), Shawn Pantaliono (drums), and Adam Trumbo (vocals, guitar, bass). These fellows' music is super heavy...and just about as tight as a newborn baby that got stuck in the tunnel. If they keep this up...these gentlemen could very well be next year's hippest underground band. Great cuts include "Underdrawn," "Strays," "All Over Cleveland Heights," and "Metal Teeth." (Rating: 5 Excellent)" -LMNOP
Official Website: http://www.cosmic-charlies.com
Added by dameonmain on September 13, 2010