1020A Woodruff Road
Greenville, South Carolina 29607

Greenville author Ellyn Bache will be signing copies of her new novel, The Art of Saying Goodbye (William Morrow, paperback, $13.99), at her launch party at Fiction Addiction on Saturday, June 11th, from 12-2 pm. This party is open to the public, and we will be serving light refreshments.

In a close-knit suburb, four women find their lives thrown into sharp relief as they tie white ribbons to trees in front of their houses--a gesture of support and affection for a longtime neighbor who has fallen ill.

During the tense three months that follow, comforting their friend also makes each of them remember how to celebrate the joys and triumphs of love, family, and girlfriends. As the days go by, these sisters in spirit grow closer, bonded by a new sense of hope, courage, and strength that will help them face any challenge, cherish every wonder, and, ultimately, learn to let go. And in the afterglow of someone else's life, each will discover that her own is brighter and more precious than she'd ever dreamed.

A native of Washington, DC, Ellyn Bache studied English at the Universities of North Carolina and Maryland, but didn't begin writing seriously until the first two of her four children were born and she knew, for sanity's sake, she'd better find an "adult" activity to do at home during the children's naps. She began as a freelance newspaper journalist while teaching herself to write fiction. After nearly six years of rejection slips, her short stories began to be published in both commercial magazines, including Good Housekeeping and Seventeen, and literary magazines ranging from Shenandoah to the Carolina Quarterly. A collection of sixteen of her stories, The Value of Kindness, won the Willa Cather Fiction Prize.

After more than twenty years living in Wilmington, North Carolina, Bache now divides her time between the Carolinas and Pennsylvania.

Those who cannot make the signing can reserve a personalized copy of any of Ms. Bache's books by contacting Fiction Addiction in advance at 864-675-0540 or at info@fiction-addiction.com.

Official Website: http://www.fiction-addiction.com

Added by FictionAddiction on April 18, 2011

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