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Chicago, Illinois 60611

In Prof. Samet’s English class at West Point, cadets discuss the poetry of Wilfred Owen and Randall Jarrell, and read books ranging from the Aeneid and War and Peace to White Teeth and Catch-22. Expected to memorize facts and follow orders elsewhere on campus, they reflect on what they’ve read and voice their opinions openly in Samet’s class. There’s only one thing they can’t say while discussing literature with her:


On Thursday, June 26th, Elizabeth D. Samet will appear at the Pritzker Military Library for an interview with John Callaway about her book, Soldier’s Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point. This event is free and open to the public. The presentation and live webcast will begin at 6:00 p.m., preceded by a reception for Library members at 5:00 p.m. It will also be recorded for later broadcast on WYCC-TV/Channel 20. The opinions expressed in the book and this program are Samet's own and not necessarily those of the U.S. Military Academy, the Department of the Army, or the Department of Defense.

Soldier’s Heart covers not only literature but also campus life as a whole at West Point, as seen by a civilian observer with no military background of her own. Samet examines how traditional values like duty, honor, and sacrifice are taught in the formative years of these future officers, and looks at the influence of religion and gender roles on their development. She also contends with age-old institutional doubts about the relevance of her class. Why should cadets study literature when it is completely different from the rest of their curriculum? How does it benefit one former student to have the work of Wallace Stevens stuck in his head as he patrols the deserts of Iraq?

As many of her students graduate and head to Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, Samet makes a passionate case for the value of literature in their lives – the ways in which imagination makes them better soldiers, and better able to endure the as-yet unimaginable experiences ahead.

Elizabeth D. Samet received her Ph.D. in English literature from Yale. She is also the author of Willing Obedience: Citizens, Soldiers, and the Progress of Consent in America, 1776–1898.

This is the final program of the Spring/Summer 2008 season at the Pritzker Military Library. The Library’s schedule of free, weekly events will resume on Thursday, September 4th, with a new presentation of Front & Center with John Callaway. The fall season will also include programs and panel discussions with authors, scholars, and Medal of Honor recipients.

Seating for this event is limited, so reservations are recommended. Call 312.587.0234 or email events@pritzkermilitarylibrary.net.

Official Website: http://www.pritzkermilitarylibrary.org/events

Added by pritzkermilitarylibrary on April 8, 2008