324 Hope St
Providence, Rhode Island 02903

College Hill Neighborhood Association and Metech Recycling have teamed up to offer electronics recycling programs free to Rhode Island Residents.

Metech Recycling is a Certi!ed e-Stewards® recycler. Over 95% of
all materials will be fully recycled for remanufacture. No recycled
materials will be incinerated, land-filled, or shipped abroad to
be dumped. Visit our website at www.metechrecycling.com or
www.ban.org for more detailed information.

For a complete list of recyclable materials please visit www.metechrecycling.com. Please contact Stephanie, scollins-rankin@metechrecycling.com for more information about the event or call 508-795-1950.

Official Website: http://www.metchrecycling.com

Added by stephanie rankin on January 4, 2012

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