1410 Virginia Street
Mount Vernon, Washington 98273

Election Day Sign Waving for Obama in Skagit Anytime during the day
Mount Vernon: Kincaid and 1st (across from Food Coop), College Way and Riverside Drive. Burlington: Bulington Blvd and Rio Vista and Cook Road and Hwy 99 (near I-5).
Anacortes: Commercial Ave. and 12th
Sedro-Woolley: Corner where Cook Road, Hwy 20 and Ferry meet (Old Train entrance to town).
If you don't have a sign for the cadidates get one at the Mount Vernon Headquarters 310 So. 1st St. Mount Vernon (next to Food Coop).

This event was submitted by MyBO on behalf of Debbie Aldrich. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gsxyvc

Added by MyBO on November 3, 2008

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