Event Profile: ELECRAMA is the world's largest electrical T&D exhibition held biennially in Mumbai, India since 1990. It has grown to be the world's largest one-stop-shop for electrical and industrial electronics. In its ninth edition; ELECRAMA 2010 hosted 1,243 exhibitors from 23 countries including India and attracted 1,05,209 footfalls into the exhibition including visitors from 120 countries.
As the largest confluence of the power transmission and distribution sector ranging from 110V to 1200kV and HVDC transmission, ELECRAMA offers an international framework, for display, discussions and deliberations amongst global T&D fraternity comprising of business people, thought leaders, technologists and professionals from the Utilities, Industry and Academia.
International summit on Smart Grids
Seminars in Distribution
Utility Day
Commerce Day
CEO Night
Exhibitor Profile: Profile for exhibit at ELECRAMA includes Equipment for generation, transmission, distribution, protection & utilization of electrical power, instrument transformers, transmission line towers, cables, winding wires, Equipment for process control, monitoring and recording, Testing, measuring equipment & systems, Equipment for telecommunication Lighting equipment, fixtures, decorative, Energy conservation equipment, solar energy system, water heaters, Computer hardware and software. Visitor Profile Visitor Registration The targeted visitors for ELECRAMA 2012 are:
Manufacturers, Power Utilities, EPC Contractors, Consultants & Specifiers, Traders & Importers, Trade Attaches, Academics & Students, Financial Institutions, Funding Bodies, Press & Media, Policy makers - Government Ministries etc.
Added by Sameer Nawani on November 29, 2011