5201 Woodward Avenue
Detroit, Michigan 48202

What: El Segundo Encuentro, The Second Los Repatriados Binational Conference

When: October 20-21, 2006, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days

Where: The Main Detroit Public Library, 5201 Woodward Avenue, Explorers Room
How: Free Admission; Lunch Provided; Reception in Fine Arts Hall following Friday session

On October 20-21, 2006, educators, archivists, activists, and legislators from across the U.S. and Mexico will gather to discuss the history of the 1929-1939 forced repatriation of Mexican workers and their children (Los Repatriados) from the U.S. back to Mexico. The conference will continue the dialogue begun in San Luis Potosi, Mexico in 2004, when 33 delegates from the Detroit area met there with educators and researchers who had been studying the effects of the repatriation on the Mexican post-revolution government.

The 2006 Detroit conference will feature scholarly papers reflecting continuing research on the topic of the repatriation, a workshop on the art of gathering oral histories, and a workshop on legislative strategies relevant to newly-arrived Mexican and Central American workers. According to Elena Herrada, Director of Fronteras NorteƱas, one of several community organizations spearheading the conference, "This is a working conference. As we come together we hope to look at research, oral history projects and legislative work taking place in this area so we can educate people about this chapter of American history, which parallels the present times." Admission to this exciting and ground-breaking conference is free. The conference schedule and presentation titles, as well as pre-registration, are available at: www.losrepatriados.org

For further information please contact Lolita Hernandez:
lolahern@comcast.net or 313.407.0522.

Official Website: http://www.losrepatriados.org

Added by emv on October 17, 2006

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