45 Mt Auburn St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138

There will be a screening of the documentary "El Che: Investigating a Legend" this Friday, August 25th at 7pm at the Democracy Center at 45 Mt Auburn St, Harvard Sq, Cambridge.

Suggested $3 donation
Call 617 710 3526 or email RobAPSC@excite.com for more info.

THIRTY-EIGHT years after his death, Ernesto Che Guevara, the international revolutionary hero who was killed at the age of 39 by the C.I.A. in the Bolivian jungles, continues to inspire people who are fighting for liberation. This documentary film examines through incredible archival footage & interviews the "most idolized revolutionary of the 20th century." (NY Times)

Official Website: http://www.aspcuhuru.rog

Added by harrisapsc on August 23, 2006

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