708 - 8 Ave. S.W.
Calgary, Alberta

Become an EQ-i Certified Professional

The next EITC Calgary EQ-i Certification Course is scheduled for December 15-17, 2008. It is a 3-day Emotional Intelligence / EQ-i Certification course. The course includes everything you need to know about how to use the Bar-On EQ-i for coaching, training, employee development, couselling, recruitment, screening and more. This is valuable training for business coaches, employee development trainers and human resources professionals.

Topics covered include:
*Current perspective on emotional intelligence and competing assessment tools.
*Discover the science behind emotional intelligence
*EQ 'best practices'

This certification will provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to present the Topic of Emotional Intelligence to professional audiences. Once certified you will have the skills and knowledge to implement EQ development programs on a one-to-one basis, with groups or within an organization.

Please visit our website: www.eitrainingcompany for more information and to register for this course.

The Emotional Intelligence Training Company (EITC) will certify you to use the BarOn EQ-i and the EQ-360. We can also assist you in the design, development and delivery of custom training programs that fit your organizational needs. This can include: Leadership Development, EQ Coaching, Team Effectiveness and other topic areas designed to address specific organizational issues.

Official Website: http://www.eitrainingcompany.com

Added by klaudi73 on December 2, 2008