A Certified Éiriú Eolas instructor will briefly discuss the
physiological, psychological and emotional impact of stress on health
and daily functioning. Special emphasis will be on detoxification
through breathing and meditation as well as the connection to
spiritual growth. Demonstrations and guided practice of the unique
breathing techniques will be followed by a meditation session. After
the meditation, attendees can discuss and share their experiences
with practicing the techniques. You will leave the class with the
tools for detoxifying the mind, and body while soothing the soul for
optimal personal growth.
We recommend that you bring a yoga mat and blanket.
Breath away all the anxiety, tension and Treat your self with Calm,
Relaxed Vigilance and Health.
Also Visit us at http://www.eebreathe.com
More Questions ?. Visit our forum http://eiriu-eolas.org/forum and read how other practitioners got
benefited from this amazing program and get guidance from Eiriu Eolas Certified teachers around the World.
For the events in NY and NJ Visit our Meetup Page http://www.meetup.com/Eiriu-Eolas/
For Events around the world Visit our Facebook Page. http://www.facebook.com/pages/%C3%89iri%C3%BA-Eolas/268081327143
Official Website: http://www.meetup.com/Eiriu-Eolas/
Added by P James on June 5, 2011