In today’s challenging job market, you need tools, not rhetoric, to help you plot your course of action. Take that first step on Monday, July 20, by attending an OEN & CareersPDX no-host happy hour/workshop.
The happy hour/workshop will be presented by nationally recognized career strategist, author and founder of VocationVacations®, Brian Kurth; and professional career and life coach, Will Wiebe.
Whether you are looking for a new job, a totally new career or thinking of starting your own business, these experts will offer specific, practical strategies to help you:
• Explore, discover and pursue that “great job” or start the dream business
• Address your fears
• Create an action plan
• Find a mentor in your desired career(s)
• Test-drive a new job or career
• Create a professional brand
• Network
• Establish thresholds
A career transition doesn’t happen over night. But by following this proven step-by-step process, you can discover, pursue and attain career fulfillment and personal satisfaction.
To attend, please register online.
Added by Oregon Entrepreneurs Network on June 25, 2009