COLUMBIA, South Carolina 29205

A New Way To Use EFT To Enhance The Law Of Attraction: Dissolving Our Resistance and 7 Steps to Manifesting Your Dreams

Workshop, Saturday January 31 At the Celebration Center

3830 Rosewood Dr

10:00 Am to 2:00 PM

As the New Year approaches it brings an almost irresistible urge to change some important facets of our lives. This is a time of appraisal and new beginnings, a time when we long to attract and manifest those things we want most.

All too often, however, past experience has taught us that the new year does not necessarily give us what we want unless we ourselves change on a fundamental level. And it will not do this unless we are ready to accept and allow-in the change we long for.

But here, is "the rub" (the block, the catch in the whole process.)

To change ourselves we cannot rely simply upon a verbal resolve or momentary intent. Change is often uncomfortable or even anxiety producing even if the change we want would be clearly beneficial. A true change in our behavior or feelings or attitudes or the circumstances of our lives can, in fact, make us feel uneasy, unsure of who we are, and even be alarming because it is unfamiliar. The fact is that even positive change is actually feared on some level, although not usually in a conscious way.

Many of you know by now of the Law of Attraction, featured in the movieThe Secret and in many books such as the classic ones of Abraham-Hicks, and you probably realize by now that many inner contradictions can block the success of an effort to apply this principle. What is usually unrecognized, however, is the fact that there is a natural and profound resistance to change in general, a fear of change in all of us that can effectively block the success of any such effort. Change is about allowing, allowing the good into our lives.

I have given much thought to this stumbling block to success and happiness in our lives and wondered how we can use EFT to dissolve our innate fear of change, and thereby open ourselves up to "allowing" profound changes into our lives. Recently, I discovered that we can use EFT and several other energy techniques to actually break through the impasse that occurs when we don't allow any profound change in our life because of fear or simply not knowing how.

"Better the evils that we know, than those we don't know" is a motto that operates in most of us more often than we know. How to change safely, with courage and grace and confidence, is what we need to learn, and EFT can help us greatly to do this. The new way This new approach has so far helped everyone with whom I have used it, and I'm going to make it public for the first time in my workshop scheduled for January 31st.

Appropriately enough, this class will take place as the New Year gets underway. It will focus on dissolving a fear of change, blocks to success in general and thereby allow you to move into new realms of possibility in your life, and do this without having to abandon all your familiar coping strategies so that you feel unsafe. As you tap along in the class you will begin to view change in a new way so that it becomes greeted with open arms. The method is powerful. It reaches to the core of us for profound change.

The workshop is $59.95 prepaid. And $75.00 at the door. This is four hours of life changing work for half the cost of one session.

RSVP and save your spot Today!

Katz Delauney-Leija MSW
Phoenix Rising LLC

Added by Katz Leija on January 15, 2009