COLUMBIA, South Carolina 29205

EFT And The Law Of Attraction:
Pain Management

Facilitated by: Katz Delauney-Leija MSW

How would you like to learn how to use the Law of Attraction to Manage or Eliminate Pain?
* Do you have chronic health problems?
* Do you have chronic pain?
* Do you seem to catch every virus?
* Do you have an interest in learning how to be pain free?

Join us to learn and experience how E.F.T. (Emotional Freedom Technique) will help you:
1. Achieve your perfect health
2. Learn how to heal yourself and control pain
3. Learn how to clear emotional blocks to healing
4. Learn how to super charge your immune system
5. Learn how to raise and sustain your energy
Vibration to hope, optimism, love and joy

For more information on energy modalities visit Katz website: www.phoenixrising-llc.com
Phone:803-530-6199 E-Mail: kdelauney@sc.rr.com

Added by Katz Leija on March 27, 2009